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Kastoria keeps a leading role to the important sector of National Exchange. The few Kastorians who created the picturesque 14th century settlement, would never had impagined that today, the same area would have been an attraction pole to the world fur market. Nothing happened by chance. During the past centuries, the Kastorians worked methodically and continuously. Step by step they adjusted to the technological developments. They adopted new commercial standards. They were - and are - distinguished for their punctuality in business and have proved their love for the promotion of their craftsmanship not carrying less for the development of the city as well. The Kastorian furrier has many qualities.

For years he has been struggling for living status and economic development. Due to that fact Kastoria achieved a continuous production improvement and a thorough adjustment to the seasonal demands. Kastorian furriers have been worldwide famous thus being greatly prized in the fur market, contributing much in the National Economy. Behind the fascinating production activities, there are three stable facts: many industries, large fur working capacity, competitive production. Three facts that can be translated in numbers: 3500 industrial enterprises, 20.000 workers, 5000 fur coats capacity per day. Main coordination of this fascinating and creative activity is the Fur Association of Kastoria which is founded in 1915. The fur craftsmanship flourished again at the beginning of the 20th century. The developed activities urged for the establishment of a Union. In 1915 the Association of Kastoria Furriers "Profitis Ilias" was founded. This Association is functioning efficiently up to now. The President of this Association mentions that economic figures statistically valued, appear after the Second World War. Since 1968, besides sewing of fur pieces, the working of fur consumption began.

The fur industry's Nourishment influenced not only the economical prosperity but also the population growth of the city and the around area. Today Kastoria is the center of world's fur merchandise, having nothing to fear from other countries, mainly Eastern, because Kastoria's fur industry claims only the quality and the tradition of fur making without looking for the easy profit. Together with the fur industry, in Kastoria some other productive activities flourish. "Flokates", rugs, blankets and other similar products (mainly in Argos Orestikon) are promoted in all other Greek markets and are distinguished for their quality. All are hand - made, following the traditional craft of the area.

Agriculture and cattle breeding are evenly developed. Wheat cultivation and legumes production too. The beans of Kastoria are well known and the annual 'production reaches the 16,000 tons. The apples - famous for their taste - production is estimated to 25,000 tons per year. The Municipality and other local organizations show an in tense and continuous interest and care, not only for specified matters, but for general problems as well. One of the main targets is the further development of tourism, the protection of Kastoria tradition and the better exploitation of the lake. The Mayor with the support of the council and the various local organizations of Kastoria, evaluate problems and impose regulations always in agreement with the production class, aiming to the best results. he philosophy concerning the social, economic, touristy and cultural upgrading, is based on three terms: Natural beauty, Tradition and Business activity.

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