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Zeno, Elea

1. Zeno of Elea - The Pre-Socratic Philosopher Zeno of Elea
Zeno of Elea was a Pre-Socratic philosopher known for his puzzling paradoxes.
2. Zeno of Elea, Greece, ancient history
Zeno of Elea (5th century BC) Philosopher and mathematician from Elea in Italy. He studied under Parmenides and followed his techer to Athens when he...
3. zenon av elea, grekland, antik historia
Zenon från Elea (400-talet fKr) Filosof och matematiker från Elea i Italien. Han studerade för Parmenides och följde sin...
4. Ancient Philosophers - Pictures of Ancient Philosophers
The early Greek philosophers, from Ionia, (Asia Minor) and southern Italy, saw the world around them and asked questions about it. Instead of...
5. Ancient historical people beginning with the letter Z
Famous ancient people whose names begin with the letter Z

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