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1. Xenophanes - Greek Presocratic Philosopher Xenophanes
The Greek philosopher Xenophanes was the founder of the presocratic school of philosophy known as the Eleatic school of philosophy.
2. Xenophanes - Pre-Socratic Philosopher Xenophanes
Information on the Pre-Socratic philosopher Xenophanes of Colophon
3. Xenophanes, Greece, ancient history
Xenophanes (5-6th century BC) Poet, philosopher and religious reformer from Asia Minor. After working as a travelling poet, Xenophanes founded the...
4. Xenophanes Quotation
eleatic school internet encyclopedia of philosophy encyclopedia of philosophy glossary entry ancienthistory: Xenophanes Quotation
5. xenofanes, grekland, antik historia
Xenofanes (4-500-talet fKr) Poet, filosof och religiös reformatör från Mindre Asien. Efter att ha arbetat som en resande poet...
6. List of Quotes
Quotes from Epicurus, Xenophanes, Homer, Housman, Saylor, Livy, Tacitus, Thucydides, Herodotus, Phrynicus, Xenophanes, Epic of Gilgamesh, Hesiod,...
7. Weekly Quiz - 11/17/99
score math indus valley chichimec xenophanes mesopotamians: Short weekly quiz
8. Ancient historical people beginning with the letter X
Famous ancient people whose names begin with the letter X

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