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1. Parmenides - Pre-socratic Philosopher Parmenides
Parmenides was a Pre-Socratic philosopher of the Eleatic School who wrote in hexameter verse.
2. parmenides, grekland
Parmenides (500-talet fKr) Filosof, poet och den främste medlemmen av den Eleatiska skolan. Parmenides menade att våra omgivningar inte...
3. Parmenides, Greece, ancient history
Parmenides (6th century BC) Philosopher, poet and greatest member of the Eleatic School. Pamenides held that our surroundings do not really exist,...
4. Parmenides' Metaphysics
Parmenides, the presocratic father of metaphysics, exaimined the underlying changeless principle of being.
5. Parmenides - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edit this page Edit this page Wikipedia (en) Wikipedia Atom feed Parmenides From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Ameinias...
6. Ancient Philosophers - Pictures of Ancient Philosophers
The early Greek philosophers, from Ionia, (Asia Minor) and southern Italy, saw the world around them and asked questions about it. Instead of...
7. zenon av elea, grekland, antik historia
Zenon från Elea (400-talet fKr) Filosof och matematiker från Elea i Italien. Han studerade för Parmenides och följde sin...
8. empedokles, grekland, antik historia
Empedokles (ca. 490-430 fKr) Filosof, poet och statsman från Agrigentum på Sicilien. Hans lärare var Pythagoras och Parmenides....
9. Empedocles, Greece, ancient history
Empedocles (c.490-430 BC) Philosopher, poet and statesman from Agrigentum on Sicily. His teachers were Pythagoras and Parmenides. Just like...
10. Zeno of Elea, Greece, ancient history
Zeno of Elea (5th century BC) Philosopher and mathematician from Elea in Italy. He studied under Parmenides and followed his techer to Athens when he...
11. Stilpo
Stilpo was a member of the Megarean school of philosophy, but his pupil, Zeno of Citium, was the founder of the intellectual heir to the Megareans,...

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