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1. Corinna, Grekland, antik historia
Corinna (ca. 600-talet fKr) Poetissa från Tanagra som var Pindaros lärarinna. Efter att hon hade kritiserat sin student för att han...
2. Corinna, Greece, ancient hirstory
Corinna (c. 7th Century BC) Poetess from Tanagra, who was the teacher of Pindaros. After criticizing her student for not using enough mythology in...
3. pindarus, grekland, antik historia
Pindarus (600-talet fKr) Poet från Thebe som studerade för Corinna. Han skrev oden och lyriska poem om segrarna vid de olympiska spelen....
4. Pindarus, Greece, ancient history
Pindarus (7th century BC) Poet from Thebes who studied under Corinna and wrote odes and lyrics to the victories of the Olympian Games. On of the most...
5. Korinna
While we don't know when Korinna was born or even which century, it seems likely she was a contemporary of Pindar's, i.e., fifth century B.C.
6. Sinope_(mythology)
Wikipedia (en)

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